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Inevitable Announcement: Rock Band 3 Keyboard Teased May 25, 2010

Posted by Giovanni in News.

Well, who didn’t see this coming? Reports are coming in that the new demo for Green Day: Rock Band (Sometimes, I still think it’s a joke when I read that), features the image you see above. I think it’s only logical that we can assume this means Rock Band 3 will feature some sort of keyboard peripheral. You know, because you don’t have enough fake instruments in your house yet. Brass Hero, when will you come to fruition?

But the question I’ve always had is this: How do you make a keyboard game without actually making people PLAY a keyboard? I mean, you’re going to be hitting buttons on a plastic keyboard. We have a word for that. It’s called a Casio. So are there only going to be five keys you can actually hit? And if so, would that really even be fun? And where are Harmonix finding the screen space to do this anyways? Will there even be room for a background image when all instruments are active? Well, I’ve always trusted Harmonix to make good decisions, but I’m skeptical. Unsurprised, but skeptical.


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